Become a student councilor!

We are looking for new USR and FSR members!

What is the USR?

The University Student Council (USR) consists of eleven students who commit themselves for a year to let the students’ opinions be heard in the policies that are implemented at the VU. For example, you have a say in the annual budget of the VU, the educational vision, and regulations that affect students and you can also contribute ideas to make the VU even better. By working with the various departments, the Works Council, and the Executive Board, you can make the voices of 32,000 students heard and help steer a major educational institution. Besides being able to change policy at the VU, the USR is also a good opportunity to develop yourself and your skills.

Would you like to think about the plans of the VU? Do you believe good education is very important and are you looking for a challenge for the coming academic year? Then the University Student Council (USR) is looking for you!

You will consult with student associations, faculty student councils, the Works Council, and the Executive Board. The USR concentrates primarily on issues that are of direct importance to VU students but also participate intensively in discussions about the course that the VU is taking. This academic year, for example, the USR is working on online examinations and the establishment of a Student Wellbeing Panel and Desk, as well as issues such as internationalization, study places, and the design of new buildings. 

The USR includes students with diverse backgrounds from different faculties, who are committed to the interests of all students and want to develop themselves in the challenging environment of the university. 

Why elect through the SRVU?

The SRVU Student Union (SRVU) has been the student union of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) since 1947. As the advocate for students at VU, the SRVU is there for all students by standing up for their interests. In addition, providing services, and ensuring the development of the VU and students’ self-development are very important missions for the SRVU. Therefore, the SRVU stands for more than just studying.

Unlike other parties, we are active throughout the year and not only during the elections. The SRVU has good cooperation with the USR and a large platform to actually implement the initiatives.

Do you have the ambition to be on the SRVU list? Then apply to us before February 26th 2023, 12 pm by emailing with your CV and a motivation letter.

If you want to know more about the student council membership in the USR or FSR, don’t hesitate to DM or mail us, or come to our information sessions:

Tuesday, Feb. 14: 17.00-18.00 Studentdok, HG Building (Including free Pizza!)
Thursday, Feb. 16: 12.30-13.30 3D Room, near Spar (Including free Lunch!)
Tuesday, Feb. 23: 17.00-18.00 Studentdok, HG Building (Including free Pizza!)
Thursday, Feb. 27: 12.30-13.30 3D Room, near Spar (Including free Lunch!)

Want to know more about the vacancy? Read the full job description here:

Would you like to take part in the FSR elections of SRVU? The same deadlines and advantages apply! More information about the FSR can be found here:

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